Nellithope Perumal Temple
This ancient Vishnu temple is over 1,000-year-old and has been lying in ruins without puja since 1975.
Help Support The Renovation of This Temple

This temple is associated with Shri Nathamuni, a predecessor of Sri Ramanuja in Sri Vaishnava sampradaya.

Owing to the fact that he recovered the divine compositions of Azhwars, the 4000 Divya prabandham, Nathamuni is considered to be the first among the Acharya vamsa in Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya.
It is believed that Nathamuni spent his last days in this area and that Sri Ranganatha gave Darshan to Nathamuni here before he attained Vaikunta Prapti.

Renovation Cost Breakdown
Garbhagraha Vimana (inner sanctum main deity vimana) $6,849
The inner sanctum of the main deity tower needs to be repaired by chiseling the damages away until the layer of the bricks, adding the new layers with new materials, and installing the traditional temple sculptures, and painting with five classic colors, and bringing back the tower to the traditional temple look. Rs. 5,00,000 (5 Lakhs)
Raja Gopuram (the big main big gopuram/tower) $1,369
Repairing the damaged areas, and building an Arch in front of the temple, and installing the Perumal with Thaayar Deities. Rs, 1,00,000 (1 lakh)
Artha Mandapam $1,370
Need to repair the damage and building the elevated floor with tiles. Approx .Rs: 1,00,000 (1Lakh)
Maha Mandapam $5,479
Repairing the maha mandapam’s inner roof from the damage caused by bats. Will need to fix by chiseling the damaged areas and painting new layer. Also need to repair the damaged areas in the hall and put tiles along with new paint. Rs: 4,00,000 (4 Lakhs)
Thaayar Sannadhi ( Mother Thaayar Shrine) $4,109
Chiseling the damages until the layer of the bricks, adding new layer with right materials, and installing the traditional temple sculptures ,and painting with 5 traditional colors for traditional look. Rs: 3,00,000 (3 lakhs)
Andal Sannadhi ( Andal Shrine) $4,109
Needs a complete new construction for the Andal Shrine as the roof could cave in at any moment. Rs: 3,00,000 (3 Lakhs)
Madappalli $3,424
Chiseling the damaged areas without losing the ancient traditional look until the brick layer and covering with new materials. Repairing the inner floor as well. Rs: 2,50,000 ( 2 Lakhs and 50 thousand)
Outer Temple Wall $3,750
Repair the outer temple walls that are in danger of collapsing
Temple & Compound Floors $19,500
16 Lakhs to repair and replace the damaged temple and compound floor according to original, authentic materials.
Kumbabhishekam $6,250
5 Lakhs for the Kumbhabhishekam ceremony once the temple is fully renovated.
Total cost will be Rs: 43,50,000 (43 lakhs and 50 thousand) for the above-mentioned works which also included all the painting, electrical fixing, and the labor costs
NOTE: Wooden temple door is excluded
If you would like to make a donation via check instead of using our online donation form below, please follow these steps::
Write a check payable to “Behind Every Temple“
On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for “Behind Every Temple”
Mail your check to:
Behind Every Temple
10105 E Via Linda
#103 – 699
Scottsdale AZ 85258
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

The Nellithope Perumal temple has finally started its renovation! The Andal sannidhi was saved before it could collapse. Next, the outer walls of the temple will be renovated. Please help donate today to help us reach our goal!
The crumbling temple walls have started to be renovated! We still need another 5 lakhs ($6,849 USD) to reach our goal to renovate the garbha griha so please help donate today!
We received some more donations due to some wonderful sponsors but still need another 4 lakhs ($5,063 USD) to reach our goal to renovate the garbha griha so please help donate today!
We did it! Not only did we raise enough funds to fully renovate the Garbha Griha but we have almost raised the entire amount needed to finish the whole temple! Gratitude to all who donated! We will be posting photo and videos updates on the renovations as they happen so stay tuned!
The Garbha Griha renovation has started! Please keep in mind we NEVER use cement or any modern materials for temple renovations. We only use authentic materials that follow how the temple was originally built and whose use is sanctioned in the shastras. We will be posting more photo and videos updates as they happen so stay tuned!
The renovation is nearly complete! Govt officials have informed us that we need to install the outside temple flooring before the Kumbha Abhishekam so we have adjusted the fundraiser goal to include the cost of the additional flooring. Please help us to reach the goal and ensure the completion of this sacred temple!