Kailasanatha Temple
For those who can’t go and visit Kailasa, Lord Shiva gives darshan at Cholapuram and blesses the devotees. The Kailasanatha Temple in Kumbakonam has an amazing history and is in need of urgent renovations.
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Here is where Saturn (Lord Shani) did tapas in order to attain the status of Shiva. Divine Mother appeared to him and gave him a shiva linga to worship that was created from her 3rd eye.

At this temple, there is a powerful shrine for Mother Sivapurani whose darshan is said to bless sincere seekers with health, beauty, and business success.
Seekers come here to mitigate the negative effects of Shani and to obtain blessings of both Shiva & Shakti.

The Story Behind The Temple
For those who can’t go and visit Kailasa, Lord Shiva gives darshan at Cholapuram and blesses the devotees.
Once, Lord Saturn (Shani Bhagavan) wanted to do penance in praise of Lord Shiva in order to attain the status of Easwara. As an aspect of this meditation, Lord Saturn was waiting at the entrance of Kailash for the darshan of Lord Shiva. Nandi, the authority guarding the Kailash mountain said, “Shiva is in samadhi. So, wait a minute! ”
It was at that time that the sage Brungi came out from Kailash after getting the darshan of Shiva.
He said to Lord Saturn, “To get the vision of Lord Shiva, one must first have the grace of Devi!” Brungi said “because I did not respect Devi previously I experienced many afflictions in life.” SageBrungi told Sani to circumambulate the sacred Hill of Arunachala in Thiruvannamalai. He told Shani to pray to Her while there and to start his penance at the place where he did penance! Near the Yama Linga is the same place Sage brungi did tapas and got the darshan of Divine Mother.
According to the words given by Sage Brungi, Shani went to Arunachala and sat at the same place while continuing his meditation for many years. Devi became pleased and gave darshan to Shani. When both Lord Shani and Sage Brungi had darshan, the light of Devi they witnessed could only be seen by them and no one else. If you do Shiva Puja in Cholapuram at this Kailsanath Temple, you too can get the same vision worthy of your meditation/tapas!
After darshan, Saneeswara Bhagavan started his meditation at Cholapuram on the new moon day.
Devi appeared as Sivapushani with a black Tilak on her 3rd eye. She removed the black tilak from Her 3rd eye and made a Shiva lingam and gave it to Shani to worship. Devi said. “Shani! Easwaran’s forehead tilaka, which is no other than Lord Shiva Himself, has gathered as a lingam.
It is rare to get the 3rd eye vision of Kailash. Rarer than that is to receive the black Tilak that has touched Eeswaran’s third eye. The puja that you do to this will give you the title of Easwara.
Therefore, those who worship the Shiva Linga in this temple on Karinal and Amavasya (new moon) will get Triambaka Netra Linga Darshan. May you too worship this lingam and attain the title of Easwara! ”
After that, Lord Saturn formally worshiped the Triambaka Netra Lingam and attained the title of Easwara.
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