Kaholeshwar Shiva Temple Kumbabhishekam
This ancient temple has now been fully renovated and is ready for the Kumbhabhishekam on June 28, 2023
Drag the above slider on the image to see the before/after photos of the temple
The Aagama sastra says:
Sarvaroga nivirtyartham, sarva yaaga phalapradam,
Sarva sampathkaram nrunam putrapoutrabhi vardhanam
It is conducted with the sole purpose of eradicating all illness, obtaining good benefits from various Yagaas, deriving rich benefits for the well being and for the health propagation of the progeny.
Help Support The Kumbabhishekam of This Temple
Devotees donating to Kumbabishekam accrue more Punniya Karma & it blesses them and their families for many generations.
The Tamil Siddha Tradition says, “The person who gets into the act of helping renovate a holy temple is absolved of all their sins acquired over a thousand of their previous births.”
We should never miss an opportunity to help renovate an ancient temple. All are invited to participate in this celebration.
Official Kumbhabhishekam Invitation (Click to view full screen mode)
Kumbabhishekam Cost Breakdown
Flowers & Garlands $625
Flowers for the pujas and garlands for the Deities. (Rs. 50,000)
Homam Ghee $625
Ghee to be used during the sacred fire ceremonies. (Rs. 50,000)
Yajna Shala $1,010
Construct a yajna shala for all fire ceremonies (Rs. 80,000)
Pujari Services $2,500
Cost for all the pujaris helping and performing the kumbabhishekam (Rs. 200,000)
Brass Puja Materials $750
To cover all the new puja materials for the temple. (Rs.60,000)
Arati Drum $750
For a new temple arati drum. (Rs: 60,000)
Clothes for Dieties $375
New clothes for all the deities ( Rs. 30,000)
Fruits $125
Fruits for all the offerings & pujas. (Rs. 10,000)
New Deities of Ganesha & Muruga $750
New Deities for the temple. (Rs. 60,000)
Total cost will be $7,510 USD Rs: 700,000 (7 lakhs) for the kumbabhishekam.
If you would like to make a donation via check instead of using our online donation form below, please follow these steps::
Write a check payable to “Behind Every Temple“
On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for “Behind Every Temple”
Mail your check to:
Behind Every Temple
10105 E Via Linda
#103 – 699
Scottsdale AZ 85258
If you would like to send a domestic or international wire transfer, please see the instructions HERE
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!