Donating Oil To Shiva Temples

There are a lot of Siva temples especially, Thevaram Padal Petra Sthalangal (274 in number ) that are in such a pathetic and very poor financial condition that there is no money even to buy oil to light the Lamps nor to buy flowers for the deities.

Once during a visit to a remote Sivan temple, Mahaperiva was distressed to see that the temple lacked funds even to light a lamp. He desired that the devotees should come forward by some means to contribute for oil to light the ‘deepams’ in the Shivalayas and no temple should be without lights. With the blessings and intention of fulfilling at least a fraction of Sri Sri Mahaperiva’s wishes, the following baghavat Kainkaryam has been initiated by a small team of like minded devotees. This kainkaryam is to give oil in tins (Each 15 ltrs.) to light the lamps in the temples.
Almost all Padal Petra Sthalam (PPS) are in bad condition except those within the city. The temple Kurukals are not paid salary regularly. Hence being a Hindu it is our main duty to support these temples in some way or the other. The very basic support we can extend to these temples is to give oil to light the lamps. Adiyen Ramakrishna has been leading this kainkaryam of supplying oil tins of each 15 litres to Padal Petra Sthalangals (PPS). We give the oil tins to 60 to 70 PPS per month, spread throughout Tamil Nadu. This kainkaryam has been started with the Blessings of Maha Periyava and is being done for the past five years. To date, there are about 100 plus devotees from India and abroad participating in this kainkaryam under the leadership of Adiyen Ramakrishnan. Behind Every Temple is proud to join forces and help provide this valuable seva!
The kainkaryam works as below:
Devotees can send their contributions using the online donation form below.
The team purchases Oil tins, visit the temples in and around Chennai and give it to the kurukal.
To serve temples outside Chennai, we have tied up with oil shops in major towns like Kumbakonam, Thiruvarur, Sirgazhi, Thanjavur, Trichy, Mayavaram, Kanchipuram etc.
Every month, we send money to these shops & inform the kurukals also. The kurukals go to the oil shop and take the oil tin to the temples. In some towns, an Autorickshaw is hired. The Auto driver delivers the oil tins, to the temples.
This is “Yatha Sakthi” (as far as strength allows /as far as possible) contribution. We receive contributions right from Rs. 100 to Rs.5000 per month.
We are giving இெபைண (Illupannai) to the Siva temples. It is very sacred to give இெபைண (Illupannai)to Shiva temples. A tin of illupannai costs (15 KG) about Rs.2300/ and lasts for about a month for one temple. We strongly believe that it is the prime responsibility of us Hindus is to support these sivan koils by giving “yatha sakthi” contribution. A small monthly contribution will go a long way.
Not restricting ourselves to Shivalayas alone we also serve Perumal temples.We give one tin of ghee ( 15 KG) to Lakshmi Narasimhar temple at Narasimhapuram in Poondamallee – Arakonam Road and Ulagalanda Perumal at Thirukovilur.
Towards this noble cause, interested devotees send their donations using the form below.
If you would like to make a donation via check instead of using our online donation form below, please follow these steps::
Write a check payable to “Behind Every Temple“
On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for “Behind Every Temple”
Mail your check to:
Behind Every Temple
10105 E Via Linda
#103 – 699
Scottsdale AZ 85258
If you would like to send a domestic or international wire transfer, please contact us at info@behindeverytemple.org
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
If you are an Indian citizen and wish to donate directly in Rupees CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS!
If we practice dharma without expecting any reward in the belief that Isvara gives us what he wills- and in a spirit of dedication, the impurities tainting our being will be removed and we will obtain the bliss that is exalted.
-- Sri Sri Maha Periyava